
My photo
I love to make things! I have no particular talents but always have something crafty on the go. I decided I'd suffered enough craft-blog-envy for a lifetime, so have started my own blog... humble & basic though it may be! We live in a century-old cottage in rural Tasmania and are loving learning how to live with soil on our hands. The goals are to value the simple things and to live consciously & ethically. And,importantly, to also pay our mortgage! Lofty goals indeed... please join me in the challenge!

Monday, September 13, 2010

What's on my kitchen bench today:


This post has started because of a lettuce.
At least a week ago we were given several lettuces by a friend - organically & hydroponically grown- and being hydroponics, I put each of them in a vase of water.  And I have resisted eating this one because it's too pretty. So, I took a photo of it instead... Maybe it will finally become lunch today!

Other objects currently hanging out on my kitchen bench:
Piggy chopping board: I made this pig chopping board when I was about 12 years old. It has served me as my meat chopping board since I left home  (so that's now 20 years!)and remains an essential member of our kitchen. He's currently is recovering from being used for the dog food this morning.

Fresh eggs from the last two days laying. We were given 6 hens, and then a rooster about three weeks ago. We are virgin hen-owners, so the delight from having 5 or 6 fresh eggs every day has not yet worn off!

Flowers: I started belatedly pruning some of the miniature roses last night. 'til it got too dark to keep going. There's few actual flowers left, so these were the only ones were intact enough to make it to the kitchen.

Native orchids and toy kombi:  The Tasmanian native orchids were given to me about three years ago,  they were tiny little single shoots, now all three are huge, comparatively. They haven't flowered yet though. Don't know what's going on there. The kombi is a tribute to our real one, Joy-Joy, who's currently hiding out from the weather in her big shed.

Cow jug: I love this jug! We picked it up in some second hand shop years ago in Sydney. It turns out it's made by Arabia, made in Finland and is quite collectable. We looked it up on Ebay a few years ago - I forget the details now. But we love it!

There's also an empty chocolate packet hanging out on the bench at the moment but I'm not going to display the evidence for all to see....


  1. I am drooling over your piggy chopping board - I love pigs and used to collect anything pig related as a kid! That lettuce is very cute too (if you can call a lettuce 'cute').

  2. Thank you Paisley Jade! He's rather an old piggy now. I hadn't realised just how old. Yes, you can definately call a lettuce 'cute'... and perhaps other vegetables too...

  3. never too late to prune a rose :)
    your lettuce is amazing - it looks like a bouquet of green calla lilies
