
My photo
I love to make things! I have no particular talents but always have something crafty on the go. I decided I'd suffered enough craft-blog-envy for a lifetime, so have started my own blog... humble & basic though it may be! We live in a century-old cottage in rural Tasmania and are loving learning how to live with soil on our hands. The goals are to value the simple things and to live consciously & ethically. And,importantly, to also pay our mortgage! Lofty goals indeed... please join me in the challenge!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Small beginnings!

As a lapsed journal writer; a crafter who suffers endlessly from craft-blog envy; and a conscious individual who is constantly challenged by the wealthy life I have by virtue of living in a 1st world country; I thought it was about time I begin to address these things for myself in a blog of my own.

It's all a bit scary, but this blog is a way to keep myself accountable; and if there are others out there to join me the journey all the better! I regularly forget what a priviledge it is to live in a country where water automatically comes out of a tap and is safe to drink, and I despair over my constant desire for excess (more things...!!). I want to be more conscious and reflective in living a good and deliberate life- while still managing to pay the mortgage.
And at the same time, I love pretty sparkly things....beautiful handmade things, natural fibres, wool and wood and stones, textures and fabric and natural objects and colour; I'm at my happiest when I'm making something.

I think this blog is about trying to find a bit of balance in all of that. We'll see...