
My photo
I love to make things! I have no particular talents but always have something crafty on the go. I decided I'd suffered enough craft-blog-envy for a lifetime, so have started my own blog... humble & basic though it may be! We live in a century-old cottage in rural Tasmania and are loving learning how to live with soil on our hands. The goals are to value the simple things and to live consciously & ethically. And,importantly, to also pay our mortgage! Lofty goals indeed... please join me in the challenge!

Monday, March 19, 2012

My small, small world

I've been blog-surfing a lot just lately, dipping in and out. A guilty pleasure, I'm always feeling I ought to be doing something else instead. Something 'more productive'. And feeling disappointed that I seem to acheive so little compared to all the other fantastic bloggers out there. 

The last few months, in fact, have been dominated by my own thoughts rushing me .... 'I should be doing this / doing that/ tidying this / finishing that/ organising this /de-cluttering that...' I keep impatiently pushing forward to the next moment and the next. Harried by all that has to be done. Anxious about cooking & cleaning even - I get frustrated about how long everything takes. And frustrated by all my unfinished creative projects all over the house -craving that 'me' time where I can indulge in creating something tangible and beautiful and useful. It culminated yesterday in me snapping at Mr Pepper because I thought he wasn't helping me do-everything-I-need-to-get-done, enough.

The truth is, my world is very small right now. I have a 10 week old.  This time is precious - I'm told that time with a newborn disappears quickly.  So, I need to stop and just be HERE. In THIS moment. Because I'll never have it back. She is so so precious. She is my entire world. She is more important than anything that needs to get done.

So, I am off to practice being in the moment. Enjoying now. Doing what I can. Being with my child.

How do you balance it?
How do you prioritise all the tasks that need to be done?
How do you rest in the moment when you're being pulled in multiple directions at once?
How do you practice being mindful?

Let's see how I do in the next little while...

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