
My photo
I love to make things! I have no particular talents but always have something crafty on the go. I decided I'd suffered enough craft-blog-envy for a lifetime, so have started my own blog... humble & basic though it may be! We live in a century-old cottage in rural Tasmania and are loving learning how to live with soil on our hands. The goals are to value the simple things and to live consciously & ethically. And,importantly, to also pay our mortgage! Lofty goals indeed... please join me in the challenge!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday (on Thursday...)


  1. Oh my goodness, your photos are amazing!!
    I am so excited to 'meet' you Pepper.
    My littlest is called Pepper Berry too. She's three.
    I hope you have the most wonderful last days of 2010.
